Enter your 13 or 10 digit PIN number
- It is the same PIN code you use for calling from landline or phonebooth.
- You have recieved your PIN by SMS message when you registered, or it is written on your calling card.
- If you have forgotten your PIN, call free on 539 085 860 let ring once and hangup. We send you a text message with your PIN agian.
User ID is your
- mobile phone number (9 digits) or
- e-mail address or
- line number.
- mobile phone number (9 digits) or
- e-mail address or
- line number.
Password are the last 4 digits of your PIN sent
to you upon registration; to re-receive your PIN
call 539 085 860 from your mobile phone and wait for SMS.
to you upon registration; to re-receive your PIN
call 539 085 860 from your mobile phone and wait for SMS.
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