[[:internet_ru|{{ :vlajka-RU3.png|}}]] [[:internet|{{ :vlajka-CZ3.png|}}]] [[:internet_en|{{ :vlajka-EN2.png|}}]] ====== The call is intermittent when calling from the internet ====== 1. Check your internet connection quality - instructions below. 2. Check if the call is also intermittend when you are calling to the Czech Republic ====== Has my internet connection sufficient quality? ====== Run **[[http://www.odorik.cz/images/ping.bat|batch file]]** to test your internet quality or follow the instructions below: CLick to button **Start -> Run ...**, write **cmd** in open window **cmd** and press **OK**. Write the command below: ping www.odorik.cz -t and press ENTER. Let the command work for a while. You stop the command by pressing Ctrl+C. The result should look like below: C:\WINDOWS\system32>ping www.odorik.cz -t Command PING to www.odorik.cz [] s délkou 32 bajtů Odpověď od bajty=32 čas=30ms TTL=57 Odpověď od bajty=32 čas=36ms TTL=57 Odpověď od bajty=32 čas=35ms TTL=57 Odpověď od bajty=32 čas=33ms TTL=57 Odpověď od bajty=32 čas=32ms TTL=57 Statistika ping pro Pakety: Odeslané = 6, Přijaté = 6, Ztracené = 0 (ztráta 0%), Přibližná doba do přijetí odezvy v milisekundách: Minimum = 30ms, Maximum = 36ms, Průměr = 33ms The most important for you is the information "**čas=XXms**" in each line, or lines, where is writen "Request timed out" (Vypršel časový limit žádosti) - it indicates the packet loss. It is important to have less than 5% packet loss. Time (čas) should not exceed 100ms and should be with the minimum dispersion (there should be no big difference between values). **Usual values are 0% packet loss and time between 10 and 40ms with low dispersion** - Internet with excellent characteristics suitable for calling. \\ Unacceptable connection is with a large packet loss (over 5%), or if the packets delay is larger than 300 ms. :!: ** It does not depend on your internet speed but on your internet quality! ** \\ :!: The internet quality may change frequently during the day. Check your internet connection just when you encounter intermittent call or another problems with call quality.\\