Display Skype keyboard

After the start of the call move the mouse pointer to the area under the photo. Select the item zobrazit číselník in the menu call.

After the start of the call move the mouse pointer to the area under the photo. Select the item "zobrazit číselník" in the menu.

After you click to zobrazit číselník, the keyboard appears.

After you click to **zobrazit číselník**, the keyboard appears.

Display Skype keyboard - old version

to activate the keyboard, search in the area pointed by an arrow - after the start of the call

Older Skype version

The keyboard button is in another place in Skype 4.0:

In older Skype versions, like 3.8 may be the keyboard hidden somewhere else, but you don't have to look for it.
Just press the buttons on your numeric keypad when you are prompted.

skype_klavesnice_en.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/04 23:09 (external edit)